Hunger Games News Week of July 6, 2015

It’s been awhile since we have done a weekly news roundup, but there is so much Hunger Games news to report in the last week that we figured it was better to just link out to some of our favorite stories than to try to duplicate it ourselves. Except the news at the very bottom of the post….which you will have to read to in order to find out!

All new posters are being released! As part of the “Faces of the Revolution” campaign, you can see pictures of many of the final movie characters in war paint. This article from Entertainment weekly shows one of our favorites, Gale Hawthorne.


We’re starting to see some stills from the final movie, including this incredibly moving picture of Effie and Katniss. (from MTV and Entertainment Weekly)


Conan O’Brien will be covering Comic-Con starting July 8. Be sure to tune in for visits from the cast of The Hunger Games on July 9. Jennifer, Josh, and Liam should all be there. It will be followed by the Comic-Con panel on Thursday, which will be moderated by Conan.


If you have read Mockingjay, you know that there are some MAJOR things to come in the final movie. Do you think that any of them will be changed from the book? Moviepilot discusses some of the things that they think will shock viewers.


Lionsgate has selected San Francisco as the second stop for its “The Hunger Games: The Exhibition” following a six-month run at Discovery Times Square in New York City.

Speaking of the Hunger Games Exhibition, we were lucky enough to be able to attend it in New York the second day after it opened. Not only did we bring back some great pictures, but also some merchandise to give away! Stay tuned to our blog for more information coming this week.

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