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hunger games bracelet

Mockingjay Bracelet

Choxi is running a big $2 liquidation sale today and one of the items is a Mockingjay bracelet! We’ve seen good deals on these before but never as low as $2!

The bracelets are “Twined Genuine Leather” and are still available in the following colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Pink, Red. The Mockingjay emblem itself is made of bronze alloy.

The sale will run through January 30 or when they sell out, whichever comes first. At this price, you can get them in every color!

Visit Choxi for more information.



Mockingjay Bracelet

I was shopping around on the Rosewe site today and came across this Mockingjay-inspired color block bracelet. I saw similar ones on Amazon, but the shipping was crazy high or was going to take over a month. This one is on sale for only $4.69 PLUS you get free shipping!

There isn’t a whole lot to the description, but it does say that it is 18cm, pretty standard for a bracelet like that. It’s called the “Metal Bird Decorated Color Block Bracelet” on their website.

If you want them in time for the Mockingjay Part 2 movie release, I would definitely order now because it does look like it could take 2-3 weeks to arrive depending upon where you live. At $5, you could get them for you and all of your friends as a fun keepsake from seeing the movie together.


Stacked Hunger Games Bracelet

I was browsing a jewelery website for deals and came across this amazing Hunger Games bracelet for only $14.95 plus free shipping! The weird thing is that the description says it is from Harry Potter. But it’s obviously the Mockingjay! It’s normally $26.95 but on sale today for only $14.95.

The site calls it a “Vintage Brass Wing and Arrow Braided Leather Bracelet.” It looks like it is interwoven with both black and brown leather. If you look around the site, you’ll find a couple of others that have the same Mockingjay in the middle bit different colors of leather (black and white or pink and blue).

These would be perfect to buy now and put aside for when the Mockingjay movie comes out later this year. We’ve heard a trailer will be coming soon, so the hype will definitely be starting!

Grab it quick from EverMarker before the sale ends!


Hunger Games Jewelry

Hunger Games Jewelry

NECA has started releasing new Hunger Games movie merchandise and there is so much of it that we cannot even fit it into one post! For a full listing, check out our Hunger Games merchandise page.

For now, let’s just focus on the Hunger Games jewelry. New items include:

  • District 12 Bag Clip
  • Parachute Compartment Single Chain Necklace
  • Mockingjay Necklaces
  • Peeta and Katniss photo Necklaces
  • Mockingjay Earrings
  • Charm Bracelets
  • Belt Buckles
  • Katniss and Peeta Dog Tags
  • Rubber Bracelets
Hunger Games Mockingjay Pin

Hunger Games Mockingjay Pin

And the most important….the Mockingjay Prop Replica Pin! That is a “must have” item if you are putting together a Katniss costume. It’s made to look just like the one from the movie.

The Hollywood Video site (with a copyright of Lions Gate Films) has all of the merchandise listed but if you click on any of it, it just takes you to Amazon to make your purchase. All of the items are showing as “temporarily out of stock” but with prices. If you place them in your cart, you will be among the first to receive them when they start shipping. See the entire new Hunger Games merchandise collection at Amazon.


If you saw the Hunger Games teaser the other day and are now looking for Hunger Games merchandise, we are as well! The bad news is that official Hunger Games merchandise for the movie hasn’t started coming out yet. The good news is that there is still official Hunger Games merchandise from the Mockingjay book release.

Amazon has the best selection of Hunger Games merchandise right now. They have a few t-shirts, some jewelry, the Training Days game, and of course various forms of the books. The key right now is that there are limited quantities of each available so if you don’t order them soon, you probably will not get them. Amazon does show the quantities remaining for each item so you can at least get an idea.

We’re looking forward to the movie merchandise coming out but are at least happy to see what we can get on Amazon. Click here to view all of the Hunger Games merchandise on Amazon.


Hunger Games Jewelry

With the release of Mockingjay, we are now seeing more Hunger Games merchandise. The most recent to be release is a collection of jewelry. Each piece is sold separately, and I am mainly seeing them on Amazon right now. Each piece features the mockingjay in some way. Hunger Games Necklaces Hunger Games Charm Bracelet with […]

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