There are so many great articles online about how to create a Hunger Games party that we will not even bother to create our own. You basically need to decide on what aspect of the Hunger Games you are trying to recreate. We are going to do two different Hunger Games party supply articles. Part I will be creating a party that is like the games themselves and takes place in the Arena. Part II will be the Capitol itself with all of its high style.
Party Favors
In addition to the Mockingjay Favors that we showed you how to make yourself, here are a few Hunger Games Party Favors that you can buy online for a reasonable price.
A 6-pack of Hunger Games pencils for about $6 would make each of these favors only $1 each. Combine them with the others below or some treats in a goodie bag.
These Hunger Games Pins sell for about $6 for 4. That would make them around $1.25 each if you separated them out as favors.
At $7 for 4 Hunger Games bookmarks, these are getting a little bit more expensive. However, if you are just giving one party favor to each guest, these might be a good choice.
Party Necessities
There are a lot of things that you can make yourself for a Hunger Games party. You can also make cakes, snacks, invitations, door signs, games, and costumes. We aren’t “do it yourself” type people, so we set out to find what we could buy online.
The Decor
The best thing that we could find to create an instant Arena was a set of backdrops from Celebrate Express. Hanging these around the room would instantly transform your house to a tree-filled Arena:
Jungle Trees Backdrop
Includes (1) 4′ x 30′ plastic wall backdrop.
Jungle Foliage Backdrop
Includes (1) 4′ x 30′ plastic wall backdrop.
Parachutes are pretty hard to find in silver, but you can find them in white and add a little silver paint or glitter to them. Maybe even cover them in aluminum foil? This is an inexpensive parachute set on Amazon. You get 12 of them for $3.50. Just cut off the little monkeys and substitute with treats.
Cups and Plates
If you are going with the wooded look, you will want dark green and brown cups and plates to go with it:
Emerald Green (Green) 9 oz. Cups (24)
Emerald Green (Green) 9 oz. Cups (24)
Chocolate Brown (Brown) Dinner Plates (24)
Includes 24 Chocolate Brown (Brown) Dinner Plates
Have you found other great Hunger Games party supplies online? Let us know!
Added: These Hunger Games notecards would make great invitations!
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