The CafePress Hunger Games merchandise has finally arrived! Honestly, this is what I have been waiting for since they started selling any Hunger Games stuff at all. CafePress is known for their unique, personalized shirts. The new Hunger Games shirts do not disappoint! I can’t post them all because there hundreds of new shirts as of today, including short sleeve, long sleeve, polos, and maternity. But I’ll post some of my favorites. You can see all of the rest on the CafePress Hunger Games site. (Today, February 22, all of the shirts are on sale. Not sure how long that will last!)

May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor Mockingjay Shirt

Team Peeta Shirt [click to continue…]

Update: It appears that CafePress has had to take down most of its Hunger Games shirts. For now it seems like the easiest place to get them is through Amazon. Click here to see their selection. We will update the site as we find more shirts.
With casting news starting, talk of The Hunger Games is going crazy on entertainment new sites, fan sites, and Twitter. It an often be hard to find pop culture shirts that are 1) in your size, 2) customized to your personality, and 3) shipped to your country.
CafePress takes care of all of that because you can customize many of their designs to different styles and sizes of shirts. Plus, they ship internationally! Here are some of the new shirts that we have seen for sale this week. The selection does change so be sure to order when you see one that you like and also check back frequently for new ones.

White Rebel Shirt with Black Logo

District 12 Real or Not Real
[click to continue…]